President's Desk :

Dear all,

It gives me immence pleasure to welcome you all to the institution which aims to protect and nurture the life of rich traditional Culture. I personally feel extremely proud and delighted to Continue and contribute the legaly and dream of Hon. Balasaheb Madhukarrao Chaudhari. As I alwa always believe that education is a tool of Social reform at large scale. The guiding force and excellent role model behind this education journey provides an inspiration to Serve ever growing educational needs through such academic institutions in Aadiwasi and tribal areas.

No doubt, inspite of a number of major and minor issues, Problems, struggles, hilly and border area, radical shift of offline to online education system, Severe impact of Corona Pandemic, the mission to provide higher learning to the students coming from rural and tribal area is continued to next generations. Our vision and Mission is to enable these students to face challenges of the Competative world. It would be a small step to upliftment of the Society. I hope and quite sure that my team would do it's best to meet social, Cultural and economic need through education to this region and the Nation.. So, lets build the healthy and self reliant Society. I wish the team all the desired success...